What is Tavasel?Understanding Tavasel:Every day, billions of people interact with ads on theinternet...
What is Tavasel?Understanding Tavasel:Every day, billions of people interact with ads on theinternet and this includes you—whether throughvideos, graphics, or written content. Most of usspend our data on these interactions without anydirect benefits, while advertisers reap the rewards.Tavasel is here to change that narrative.Tavasel is a revolutionary mobile app designed toturn your everyday online activities into a profitableventure by sharing ads revenue directly with you.How Tavasel WorksTavasel operates on a simple yet powerful ecosystem that connectsadvertisers, merchants/vendors, and users:1. Platform:Tavasel provides the digital space where these parties interact.2. Merchants/Vendors:Ensure liquidity by trading with users on the platform.3. Users: Earn Tav tokens by engaging with ads, taking surveys, browsing, selling your used or unwanted items, posting ads on your WhatsApp status (WSM) and more.4. Advertisers: Purchase Tav tokens from vendors to run their ads campaigns on the platformThe Tavasel Revenue ModelTavasels unique revenue-sharing model ensures thatevery ads interaction you engage in is not just anotherdata point, but a source of income for you. Heres howthe model works:Ads Revenue Sharing:Each time you interact with ad, Tavasel earns revenue, which is then shared with you and other users in form of Tav (Tavasel’s virtual currency). Community Ownership:All income generated from Tavasels YouTubechannel and X page is distributed among thecommunity, amplifying the potential earnings.This revenue will be visible to all Tavaselians as totalliquidity once Tavasel gets 100k subscribers onYouTube and X with engagement.How Tav Value Increases User Growth and EngagementThe more users and engagement on Tavasel,the higher the demand for Tav, whichincreases the Value of Tav.Minting and Vendors Activity: As more Tav is minted, the market dynamicsdrive up the value of Tav.Advertisers Demand: Advertisers need Tav topromote their products on the platform. Asuser numbers grow, so does the number ofadvertiser and the demand for Tav fromadvertisers, further boosting Your Tavs value.Guidance for Users and VendorsUsers:Holding onto your Tav can be a smart move as itsvalue appreciates over time.Additionally, by inviting others to join Tavasel, youhelp increase the value of your TavVendorInvesting in Tav early on is a lucrative opportunity.Tavasel offers a 2-month insurance policy thatguarantees to buy back your Tav at a 10% profit ifneeded, providing additional security for yourinvestment.Benefits/End ResultsFinancial FreedomTavasel empowers you to turn your daily internet activities intowealth. Engage with ads, and instead of just consuming content,youre profiting from it. Every interaction adds value to your Tav,positioning you at the center of financial freedom.Wealth BuildingTav value increases with user engagement. With itsunique business model, sustainable revenue streams, and globalparticipation, holding and accumulating Tav today secures yourfinancial future. As the community grows, so does the value of Tav,paving the way for significant wealth in the coming months.Monetize Your DataInternet interactions, social media engagement, and ads interactionnow yield real returns. No more wasted data—everything you doonline has value with Tavasel.ContactX: @tavavselOfficial